CHELSEA GUIDELINES - Updated January 31, 2025

What is Chelsea? The Chelsea Tee Time System is an internet-based booking system that is designed to distribute course tee times in a fair and consistent manner through a points system.
Making a Tee Time Request for Daily Play
The REQUEST feature is used for any tee times needed a 8 to 30 days out. Steps needed to make a request: 1.) under the request tab, click add request (players may also edit a request and delete a request in this tab), 2.) the player will pick the date they would like to play, 3.) they will add in their requested time (ideal time), their earliest time (time must be before their requested time), and their latest time (time must be after their requested time), 4.) select their number of tee times (1 constitutes a foursome, 2 constitutes two groups of four, 3 constitutes three groups of four, etc.), 5.) click player information, 6.) enter players names by clicking the magnifying glass to enter by last name, or the player can enter the golfer’s member number. If there are any guests, the player making the request can toggle to guest under the guest tab and enter their full name under guest first name and guest last name, 7.) when the player finishes adding all the players to the request, they will hit the submit button at the bottom of the page and receive a confirmation number. Please note, this is only a request confirmation number and does not guarantee the tee time.
Making a Recurring Request for Multiple Days
The REQUEST then recurring feature enables a player to make multiple requests to play on a certain day of the week at a certain time for up to four weeks. Steps needed to make a recurring request: 1.) under the request tab, go to recurring, then add recurring request (players may also edit or delete a recurring request under this tab), 2.) the player will pick a certain day of the week, 3.) the player will choose a start date (must coincide with the day of the week selected), 4.) the player will choose an end date (must coincide with the day of the week selected), 5.) the player will add in their request time (idea time), their earliest time (time must be before their requested time), and their latest time (time must be after their requested time), 6.) select their number of tee times (1 constitutes a foursome, 2 constitutes two groups of four, 3 constitutes 3 groups of 4, etc.), 7.) click player information, 8.) enter players names by clicking the magnifying glass to enter by last name, or the player can enter the golfer’s member number. If there are any guests, the player making the request can toggle to guest under the guest tab and enter their full name under guest first name and guest last name, 9.) when the player finishes adding all the players to the request, they will hit the submit button at the bottom of the page and receive a confirmation number. Please note, this is only a request confirmation number and does not guarantee the tee time.
To Make a Guaranteed Tee Time
The BOOKING feature is used for any tee times within 7 days from today. Steps needed to make a booking: 1.) under the booking tab, click add a booking (players may edit a booking and delete a booking) 2.) the player will pick the date they would like to play, 3.) Choose a range of times from 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., 4.) click display times, 5.) navigate under the time tab and click the apply button under the preferred tee time, 6.) enter players names by clicking the magnifying glass to enter by last name, or the player can enter the golfer’s member number. If there are any guests, the player making the booking can toggle to guest under the guest tab and enter their full name under guest first name and guest last name, 7.) the player has the option to highlight the email check box which will notify all the players in the booking of the tee time after it has been submitted (optional), 8.) click record booking.

The Golf Shop will only make same day tee times for any players.
How do I Log onto Chelsea?
Click on the "MAKE A TEE TIME" button above.
Once you arrive at the Chelsea log-in you will need to log-in with your Chelsea member # (slightly different than your normal member number) and password. (If it is your first time signing into Chelsea your Password will be Hide123).
What Should My Chelsea Log-in Number Be?
Contact the Golf Shop to verify your log-in number.
When Will Players Receive Confirmation of their Tee Time/s?
The Golf Shop will send emails to all the players scheduled to play 24 hours prior the play date.
If I am a Booking on the Chelsea Tee Sheet, am I Charged a Point?
Yes, all golfers appearing on the day’s tee sheet are assigned two play points. A guest will be charged 2 points to the member who is hosting them.
How Does the System Determine Where My Tee Time Request is Placed?
Chelsea looks at group composition first and averages the total amount of points for the golfers in that group.

Point Allocations
The system takes the average play total of the entire group. For example:
Player A=0 points, Player B=3.1 points, Player C=-2.7 points, Player D=0 points
This total = 5.8 points. 5.8 is then divided by 4 to give a total of 1.45 points.  The system will put your group in priority order according to this total. Groups with lowest team average will be placed first by the system. 
Linking Teams
When groups are linked together the system will figure an average number of points for the group considering the points of all members in the entire link.
If you have more than 1 group of players that would like to play together, you may want to consider “Linking” the group.  You can link up to 8 groups together.  If you link groups together, when Chelsea calculates the priority for the day to assign tee times, it will calculate the average of the entire linked group rather than the individual groups. This average is then used to determine the rank order for the linked group. 
If you Link Groups, be Sure to Select the Option to “Break the Link”
Otherwise, it could prevent your entire group from being placed.  For example, if you have 4 groups linked together and there are only 3 tee times available when your assigned rank comes up, if you have selected to “Break the link”, three of the groups will get the last 3 tee times and only 1 will get bumped.  If you have not selected to break the link and only 3 times are available, it will bump all 4 groups since there were not 4 times available. 
What is “Preferred Placement”?
Preferred placement is the methodology used to distribute tee times. At The Hideaway Country Club, the method of preferred placement used is “team size and composition combined with play history”.
Team Size and Composition – Tee times will be placed as follows:

  • 2 to 4 player teams based on total team point composition.
  • Single player requests will fill the remaining available spots.
Lottery System
Runs in the middle of the night 7-days out.

Play History
Placement is based on each member's individual accumulated points. The Chelsea system assigns points in several ways. The two most common are "placement points" and "end of day points". 2 placement points is assigned when a future tee time is awarded to a member through the daily lottery. 2 end of day points is assigned after the day of play is completed. Members with guests will receive 2 points for each sponsored guest. These totals are added to the members’ point totals.
  • History of points are based off previous 10-day point allocations and 7-day future points.
  • A team's point is determined by adding all members of the team together and dividing the total by the number of players on the team. 
Am I Charged Points for Participating in Member Events?
No, members participating in club events, such as men’s, ladies’, couples, and other club sanctioned events will not be assessed any points to their play history.  See the golf shop staff for information regarding how to join the leagues and register for their events. To be eligible for any of the associations you must have a handicap and pay the appropriate league association dues.
How Does the System Handle Duplicate Sign-Ups?
Duplicate sign-ups will be rejected at the time of the attempt.
How do Guests Count in the System?
You are charged 2 points for each guest through Chelsea. When you sign up a guest, they will be placed under your Chelsea number. Please make sure you are in the captain’s spot and make sure to put their full name when signing them up. Each member may have up to three guests when making a tee time request. No un-sponsored guests will be allowed to make a request.
What if I Do Not Receive a Tee-Time?
When the tee sheet is processed for a particular day, if there are more tee times requested than are available, the groups that get “bumped” are put on an over-flow list for that day. Being placed on the over-flow list indicates that you have not received a tee-time and should monitor the tee sheet for cancellations, as openings will be filled on a "first-come, first-served" basis.
No Show and Cancellation Policy
Members are responsible for checking the Chelsea tee time system for their tee times. If a situation arises where the member and/or guest cannot make their tee time, the member is responsible for notifying the Golf Shop 24 hours in advance of their starting time. Be mindful, once a booking or request is made, regardless of cancellation, you will receive 2 placement points.
Chelsea Violation Process
Chelsea violation definition: Any submission of a Chelsea tee time request which could result in an unfair advantage for an individual or group over other submitted tee time requests.
This includes (but are not limited to):
  • Including a person on the tee time request who is not intending to play. Examples include but are not limited to: a.) a person known to be out of the area, b.) a person known to be unable to play golf for short term medical reasons, c.) a person with low Chelsea points, who will be replaced after placement with a high-point alternate, d.) listing of four players while playing less than those listed (this blocks other members from obtaining this tee time). 
  • Including golfers and/or “guests” to lower the average team Chelsea points for the request and then subbing out those slots with others after the tee sheet has been published.
  • Including golfers or “guests” to fill out a foursome to prevent the group from having to play with someone not in their group.
Who is Included in the Disciplinary Process?
  • Any member who was directly involved in the violation. This would include: 1.) the member (captain) who made the tee time that was in violation of the rules, 2.) any person whose name was included in the request who was not intending to play (see examples in “What is a Chelsea violation” section above), and 3.) any person who substitutes in.  
  • Each person determined to be in violation, whether listed singularly or as part of a group in Chelsea, is viewed as a violation separately and singularly. Any subsequent violations are also counted singularly and separately, if they occur, and will result in additional violations as noted in the ladder of discipline detailed below.
Ladder of Discipline
  • First violation – Offending party(parties) will receive a written warning from the Head Golf Pro reminding them of The Hideaway’s Chelsea request policies.
  • Second & subsequent violations – Violators will receive a second writtren warning from the General Manager reminding the of The Hideaway's Chelsea request policies and “penalty” Chelsea points in an increasing multiplier method. Second violation- double Chelsea points, Third violation- triple Chelsea points, Fourth violation- quadruple Chelsea points, etc. and possible suspension of Golf Membership.
Responsible Parties
  • The Head Golf Pro will be responsible for: identification of potential violations; receiving reports of potential violations from golf staff or golf members; investigating potential violations - including any needed dialogue, remedial education, and/or follow-up with golf members, vetting actual violations. 

Any questions regarding the Chelsea Reservation System, please contact their customer support help line which is accessible 24 hours a day, 7 days a week at 1-800-848-8291 ext. 4.